
Gear List

So I've decided to hike to Tuckerman Ravine on Sunday. Before I go, I need to pack my gear. What will a typical hiker/skier need to launch an attack on the mountain? Let's go over my own gear list and see what I'll need to be safe and prepared.

Pack: Of course I'll need a somehwat large pack to carry everything. In addition, the pack has to be large enough and strong enough to carry my skis and boots, which can weigh 25 lbs by themselves.

Jacket, Hat, Gloves: Though the weather on Sunday calls for sun and warm temperatures, I'll need a winter gear to stay warm and safe. I plan on climbing to the top of Mount Washington, which is 6,288 feet above sea level. The mountain has some really terrible weather, and even if Sunday does dawn warm and sunny at the base of the mountain, temperatures at the top will be at least 15 degrees cooler. For every 1,000 feet gained in elevation, the temperature drops 3.3 degrees.

Ski Pants: I'll hike in shorts and a t-shirt, but I'll need heavy-duty ski pants for my ski descent of the mountain. I've skied in shorts before, and I can tell you that it's no fun when you fall.

Food: Hiking requires tons of energy, so I'll need lots of food. I'll pack a turkey sandwich, cookies, and granola bars for lunch. I'll also need lots of water. A combination of physical exertion, sunshine, and high elevation is sure to dehydrate me, even if I drink lots of water.

Map and Compass: The trail I plan to hike is very well marked and well traveled. Still, I will be going above treeline on the mountain, and that could be dangerous if fog or snow rolls in unexpectedly. In a treeless above-treeling expanse, I could easily lose my way in the fog and fall thousands of feet off a cliff. To prevent such a situation, I'll cary a map and compass. With both, I'll be able to find my way down the mountain even in the worst blizzard.

Overall, I expect my full pack, weighted down with gear and supplies, to weigh close to 45 pounds. I've done this hike before, and that's the typical weight. I'm pretty out of shape this year, so it should be interesting to see if I survive the hike on Sunday.

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